Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thing 2 - Web 2.0

I'm just going to admit it: I had never even heard of Web 2.0. The web has always just been the Web to me. Maybe it's because I grew up on computers. I do remember a time when we didn't have the internet, and the computer was in my eyes solely for games (and for stats that my track coach dad used to type up). But once I hit high school, I had already begun IMing and using the internet for school reports. Then as I entered college, Facebook, blogging, Webshots, and MySpace eventually entered the picture. So I guess I uderstand the idea of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0, but I think its just the natural evolution of the web. Why does it need a name? When did the Web become the Web 2.0? There's no clear delineation. The Web is clearly different from when it first begun, and libraries are not the libraries of my childhood. But it was more of a progressive change that occurred over years. Libraries are slowly using new technology, and I think that in order to keep up with our patrons, this will only continue. Just look at 23 Things; we're already starting. I just wonder when Web 3.0 will come around...

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