Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thing 6 - Flickr Mashups

Most of the mashups, weba apps, and tools I searched through were pretty neat. Some of them were kind of confusing though. I could not figure out Clockr for the life of me. I just clicked on the link, and it took me to this completely black site with the time at the top. But the time was in normal numbers, and I couldn't figure out how to get them to change to random photos. Oh well. Anyways, I did get the Spell with Flickr to work out as seen in my previous post. It took me a couple of tries to figure out how to actually post it on my blog, but I worked it out in the end. The Neflin blog said each site would have easy instructions on how to put each mashup on your blog, but they didn't. Ok you copy the code, but then what? Paste it where? They should be more explicit. I also found a cool Flickr tool that let me make a slideshow of my photos. It is now playing at the left of my blog. Sifting through all the apps and tools can be challenging, especially because there are so many of them and it seems like there are many that are very similar. But once you find ones that you can use, they are great. Any website can be spiced up with a variety of mashups.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stephanie,

    This is Gail from Millhopper. I agree with you about the instructions not being detailed enough. I had the same problem. I copied some code, but where does it go?

