Friday, March 27, 2009

Thing 19 - Other Social Networks

Social networks are great if you're looking to share a common interest with others. I haven't joined any before, so I tried to look at a few. I went to WebJunction, Ning, and Gather. They were ok, but nothing too special. So then I tried the book ones, but I still really love LibraryThing so they weren't too exciting. Then I went to Fuzzster. I love my cat and am a animal lover in general, but I'm not THAT crazy about them. Some people were posting as if they were their animal. That's great for them, but it's just not for me. It didn't have too much networking abilities or gadgets. Someone even made a post that asked what the whole point of the website was, and he had been a member for awhile. Then I went to Bake Space, and that was more like it. I'm not a big cook or baker, but I do like trying. It was totally packed with recipes, comments, and networking abilities. Now that's what I call a social network! I will probably go back to Bake Space again, and maybe I'll try to find some more social networks that really speak to my interests.

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